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How Bad Weather Condition Can Affect Your Air Conditioner

How Bad Weather Condition Can Affect Your Air Conditioner

Intense weather can significantly affect your air conditioning system. This blog looks at how weather, like extreme heat, heavy rain, hailstorms, and snow, might impact your AC unit. Knowing these impacts is very important to keep your HVAC system working well and lasting long. Also, we will give tips on how to prevent problems, show […]

Five Types of Molds You May Find in Your Ducts

Five Types of Molds You May Find in Your Ducts

Homeowners encounter various problems regarding home maintenance, but one of the most frequent and significant issues is mold. Moist conditions breed mold, which can be toxic. Mold can cover the vents and ducts in the homes if they are not cleaned properly. The air-conditioned environment is a perfect place for molds to thrive. The air […]

Central Air Conditioning System vs. Multiple Split ACs: Which is Better?

Central Air Conditioning System vs. Multiple Split ACs Which is Better

Decisions for home cooling come down to systems: central air conditioning or multiple split air conditioners. Within each option are variables that will create differences in efficiency, comfort, and cost. Most decisions are based on house size, budget, desired convenience, and personal control. It discusses both systems’ mechanics, pros, and cons so that readers understand […]

Can Mold in Air Ducts Make You Sick?

Can Air Duct Cleaning Improve Indoor Air Quality (1)

Are you the person who has been feeling unwell since summer comes every time? What could the reason behind it be? Molds that grow inside pathways, if not cleansed for some time, could be the cause. These creatures also tend to replicate fast, especially when they happen to be in cool and dark locations.  A […]

Can Air Duct Cleaning Improve Indoor Air Quality?

We spend a significant chunk of the day indoors, so the air we breathe is essential to life and health. Indoor air quality measures how badly polluted or contaminated the air in a building or a home is, ranging from mere allergies to respiratory problems or even asthma. Introduction One will likely come across air […]

Do I Need Spring AC Maintenance?

Do I Need Spring AC Maintenance

In this blog article, we’ll discuss why it is essential to maintain your air conditioning system during the spring. We’ll describe signs that your AC needs a check-up, how you can benefit from keeping it regularly, and several tasks you can perform to ensure your AC works well. Introduction Spring has arrived, and with it […]

How do you know if your ducts need cleaning

A professional cleaning air duct

Are you wondering when to clean your home’s air ducts? Well, we’ve got the answers to all your questions about cleaning air ducts. It is essential to keep them clean for good air quality and ensure your heating and cooling system works well. But how do you know when it’s time for a deep clean? […]

What Is Dirty Sock Syndrome & How Do I Fix It?

Dirty smelly socks

Dirty Sock Syndrome (DSS) has infested our indoor environment, corrupting the purity of our breathable air with a noxious smell reminiscent of dirty socks where the AC smells like feet. Manifesting as a putrid odor terrorizing homes, day in and day out, Dirty Sock Syndrome has become a severe problem. This epidemic is primarily impacting […]

What Are The Benefits of a Regular Heating Repair Service?

heating system maintenance and repair

Why Is Regular Heating Repair Service Essential for Your Home? Maintaining a warm and comfortable home for your family is crucial during the cold season. Instead of looking for ‘heater repair near me’ in the search results when your system fails unexpectedly, professional heating repair services from companies like IAQ Experts ensure your furnace continues […]

How Often Should I Invest in Air Duct Cleaning Services?

Cleaning Experts checking air duct

The Importance of Indoor Air Quality for Health and Well-Being Like most cities and surrounding areas, San Antonio and South Texas are no strangers to air pollution, harmful contaminants, and environmental hazards affecting home and office indoor air quality. Unmonitored, the time spent inside, and the air we breathe will present health risks when air […]